FIO Chain Incentives

Each participant in the FIO ecosystem ranging from end-users, to block producers, providers, token holders and the FIO foundation itself benefits from using the FIO chain.

Ecosystem Incentives

Register and use FIO Handles and Domains
The utility and features of the FIO Protocol
FIO Chain Block Producers
Produce Blocks
Block Producers receive 60% of every fee collected on FIO Chain
Wallets, exchanges and other blockchain-related application providers
Integrate FIO Protocol
The utility and features of the FIO Protocol enhance their application and often reduce support costs associated with crypto payments.
Application providers receive Integrator Rewards for transactions originating in their application:
  • 10% of transaction fee paid (currently boosted to 50%)
  • 11% of the staking reward paid to the end-user when unstaking FIO Tokens
Participate in Governance
Non-voting FIO Tokens in accounts belonging to application users is automatically proxied to the application itself.
FIO Token Holders
Participate in governance
FIO Tokens can be staked, but have to first vote on Block Producers or proxy their votes.
25% of every fee collected is paid out to FIO Token Stakers.
FIO Foundation
Support FIO Protocol growth
5% of every fee collected is paid out to the FIO Foundation.

Get Your Handle

Want your own FIO Handle? Head on over to the FIO dashboard to get your very own.
Get My Handle