Trust Wallet Use Case

A non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet that lets users store, send, receive, and manage various cryptocurrencies, all while keeping full control of their private keys.

Trust Wallet App Integration Points

Trust Handle (AKA FIO HANDLE)

Trust Handle

Enhance the value and prestige of your FIO Handle by pairing it with a custom FIO Domain. Stand out from the crowd and align your digital identity with your unique brand.
Manage or Register
Manage or register Trust Handle(s) from the settings view in the Trust Wallet. Trust Handles all end in “@trust” and can be mapped up to 200 public addresses to each handle you create.
Manage Networks
Trust wallet allows users to add or remove any and all available networks to their Trust Wallet. Simply search or scroll and toggle the networks of your choosing to associate with your Trust Handle.


Resolving Trust Handles

Trust Wallet lets their user enter a Trust Handle instead of public address when sending tokens.
Token Send
No additional UI elements are required, the wallet simply recognizes the unique format of your Trust Handles (username@domain) and looks-up the public address usinsg a simple REST API call.
Token Send Confirmation Screen
Both Trust Handle and public address are displayed on Send Confirmation screen.

Get Your Handle

Want your own FIO Handle? Head on over to the FIO dashboard to get your very own.
Get My Handle